My virtual dream
My Virtual Dream (MVD) is an educational and immersive entertainment experience about brain health at the intersection of science, art, music and technology. In MVD you become the performer; using your brain waves, you co-create a stunning performance of visuals, sounds and music all projected in real-time, live.
Here, you’re part of a synchrony of audience “dreamers” who share their collective brain activity with The Virtual Brain, which acts as a translator between incoming brain data and a dynamical graphic output. Using the five main frequencies of each of the dreamers’ brain waves as a driver, artwork stored like memories are recreated into a powerful visual dreamscape that is projected for viewing. Additionally, the peak moments of the audience’s brain waves activate a library of audio files to remake a music experience unlike you’ve ever heard before. The audio files can also be accompanied by live music interpreters that complementary perform to the flow of the dream being created.
MVD helps you discover that ‘you are your brain’ and the more you know about it the more you’ll know about yourself and others; while The Virtual Brain science team uncovers new insights into brain health and wellness. For instance, in 2013, MVD was presented as part of Nuit Blanche in Toronto and over the course of this 12-hour public art exhibit, we collected 523 eeg datasets using MUSE headsets from Interaxon. The collected data was analyzed and in published in PLoS One. MVD is a vehicle to new discovery that crowdsources data on a large-scale, above and beyond what can be achieved in a traditional research setting. Our hope is that this novel approach to science discovery paves a way for innovation in neuroscience.
MaRS Innovation
(now known as Toronto Innovation Acceleration Partners, TIAP)